Our splices are extremely reliable. They will go through your SMD machines without jamming time and time again! Production halts as a result of bad splices will be nearly eliminated, resulting in time and cost savings by increasing uptime.
Why use quality splicing?
- High volume low mix shops without shuttled feeders will reduce production time 10% or more.
- Typical splicing failure cost is $80 per day at 2300 splice/day per machine. Splicing failure stoppage for clip joints/quality tape is 19% of all machine stops. A typical 50% improvement in splice stoppage using our Ereel system saves $40 per day or $.02 per splice tape. Furthermore, even higher savings are possible if tape failure is a factor in your production.
Simple. Cost Effective. Productivity Enhancing.
Electroreel splices and our Ereel system provides several advantages that will boost productivity and be cost effective in the long run.
- Different sizes to fit tape widths from 4mm and up.
- ESD Safe: Our splices have been tested to be ESD safe. They will not generate static charges, eliminating the risk of damaging sensitive components
- Increase your yield and quality
Electroreel splices are fully functional on all major brands of feeders and placement machines. Reduces your inventory of splice types to 4 sizes or less. The sizes are 4mm, 8mm,12 &16mm, and 24mm wider which works on all wider reels. Reduced training of operators.
Highest quality adhesive providing a splice that will not break under tension. Non-contaminating adhesive available, all models except Ereel4.
Our splices can be detected by optical, capacitive or inductive sensing. Allows the machine to signal that a new reel has been installed. Provides the ability to verify the new reel and avoid wrong components, capture data for traceability, etc.
Ease of Use
EREEL splices are easy to place with or without the use of alignment fixture. Operators will be able to start using them with very little training. Electroreel offers innovative low cost cutting and alignment tooling.
Low Machine Impact, Reduced Operator Injury and Fatigue
Electroreel splices are not abrasive. Electroreel splices can by easily assembled in fixtures for precise alignment. No crimp tool required to fatigue and injure your operators.
Low Cost
Lowest total overall cost product on the market priced at the low end of the market. We are standing by with stock inventory to serve your immediate requirements with 100% USA design, 100% US materials and made in USA. Semi-Automatic stations can be easily developed with Ereel products.