
Our Business

As a company dedicated to understanding the electronic manufacturer's needs and engineering our products to meet those needs, we will provide world class service, support and products for electronic assembly manufacturers. Our team is well qualified to provide exceptional support for your electronic assembly splicing and component reel assembly tape needs. We welcome all of your feedback and input in our effort to develop the lowest overall cost, yet performance effective electronic component reel splicing and assembly tapes for your productivity enhancement. Our aim is to serve you to establish firm and lasting customer relations.

Mission Statement

Global provider at competitive prices of high quality, productivity enhancing components for maximum performance of electronic assembly manufacturer's assets.

Ultimate Goal

Achieve market leadership as the global supplier of electronic assembly component reel splicing tapes.

Innovative Products

Splicing Products and solutions to optimize your SMD production needs.

Quality Goal

We are committed to providing high quality products that meet all customer expectations.


Meet the minds and engineers behind Electroreel products.